Music Lessons & Mentoring
We provide music lessons and mentorship to those who aspire to learn and enjoy music. Feel free to play these sample songs and music played by toRhapsody musicians for your children to enjoy and learn music at home, classroom, etc.
Contact us if your children (you, or your parents, too!) want to learn to play a musical instrument. Currently, violin lessons are available and held virtual.
Violin Lessons, Virtual

Music & Singalong Activities: Pre-recorded Songs for (Virtual) Classroom or Home

Introduction to Violin;
Autumn Leaves are Falling Down. Ian Song.
Introduction to Viola;
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Jay Choi.
Introduction to Cello; Children Song Medley.
Adam Pua
Introduction to Piano; My Little Teapot.
Jaewon Yune